One thing I've always wondered about society is men. Just men. Why they do the things they do and why they terrorize women at any chance they can. Looking on social media recently, I've seen a lot of different types of ways that men terrorize their wives for no apparent reason.
One way is at weddings. I'm sure most of you have heard about the "purple-haired girl’s wedding vows," and if you haven't, let me explain. This woman is at the altar professing her love to her husband through her wedding vows. Saying how much she means to him and how in love she is. When it's his turn to say his vows, he only mentions the things she does for him, saying she keeps his belly full and makes a remark about their sexual life IN FRONT OF HER FAMILY. She just laughs and giggles at it as he keeps going. Not once does he mention that he loves or even likes her, and this is so painfully common at weddings. I've seen men flirt with bridesmaids, make sexist jokes, and even ruin her makeup and hair by smashing a cake into her face after she repeatedly tells him not to. It even goes past the physical and verbal remarks: I've seen men with their phones out watching some sports game instead of participating in their own wedding. By then, it's too late for the woman to leave since divorce takes forever and is costly. However, these men keep acting up all the way from their wedding to their children's birth.
I've seen countless videos of men complaining about their pregnant wives. They bring their Xbox or Playstation to the delivery room to "keep themselves entertained" and complain about how uncomfortable the hospital chairs are and how long her delivery is. Meanwhile, the wife is in the most pain she'll ever be in only a few feet away. These husbands have no compassion for their wives. Even after the baby is born, they ask the doctor to "put in a few more stitches" for their own pleasure! Even after their partner is through with bringing their child into the world, they only think about themselves. Mind you, the "husband stitch" is completely illegal for a multitude of reasons. Usually, the women are either heavily sedated or asleep when they are getting stitched up, meaning they don't even know what's happening. For men to become this level of disgusting doesn't just come from marriage; it has to start earlier.
Another trend I'm starting to see circulating on social media is the "I hate my girlfriend" trend where men share moments when they hated their girlfriends, posting things like, "I was having a good day until she texted me" or "Looking at my girlfriend knowing I don't like her anymore.” These boys grow up to treat their wives like absolute garbage. They flaunt cheating and not loving their partner so much that you wonder if they even like women in the first place. Their poor girlfriends are unaware that their own partner hates everything about them, and that can be detrimental to their mental health. Do the men care, though? Nope. They throw around the "all girls are the same" after their girlfriend breaks up with them. When in reality, she left him after months of him cheating on her. They get this mindset from other toxic men around the world.
I've seen countless videos of men complaining about their pregnant wives. They bring their Xbox or Playstation to the delivery room to "keep themselves entertained" and complain about how uncomfortable the hospital chairs are and how long her delivery is. Meanwhile, the wife is in the most pain she'll ever be in only a few feet away. These husbands have no compassion for their wives. Even after the baby is born, they ask the doctor to "put in a few more stitches" for their own pleasure! Even after their partner is through with bringing their child into the world, they only think about themselves. Mind you, the "husband stitch" is completely illegal for a multitude of reasons. Usually, the women are either heavily sedated or asleep when they are getting stitched up, meaning they don't even know what's happening. For men to become this level of disgusting doesn't just come from marriage; it has to start earlier.
Another trend I'm starting to see circulating on social media is the "I hate my girlfriend" trend where men share moments when they hated their girlfriends, posting things like, "I was having a good day until she texted me" or "Looking at my girlfriend knowing I don't like her anymore.” These boys grow up to treat their wives like absolute garbage. They flaunt cheating and not loving their partner so much that you wonder if they even like women in the first place. Their poor girlfriends are unaware that their own partner hates everything about them, and that can be detrimental to their mental health. Do the men care, though? Nope. They throw around the "all girls are the same" after their girlfriend breaks up with them. When in reality, she left him after months of him cheating on her. They get this mindset from other toxic men around the world.
Something else I've seen is the toxic male podcasts. These overly buff men complain about simple things their girlfriends do or don't do for them. It can range from not allowing him to cheat to even wearing makeup. The content degrades every woman in a certain category with just a simple sentence. Young boys watch these men and think that this is how they should be talking to their future partners, weaponizing their incompetence by saying, "Well, that's not what I was taught" or even a simple "Well, how was I supposed to know?” Furthermore, they turn their partners into their mothers and scream at them when they don't listen. These toxic male podcasts have ruined countless generations of men and their hope for finding love.
Now the men on these podcasts aren't the only ones to blame; it's their fathers. The old men who catcall children and brush it off with "It's a compliment.” Those men are at the tippy-top of the tower. They taught their sons how they treat women, and their sons continue the cycle. It's truly sad that they can't fathom women being anything other than objects for men. Does that mean they get an excuse? Absolutely not. Not abusing your wife/girlfriend should be common sense, shouldn't it? Not making fun of her insecurities is something that you should just know not to do, right? Unfortunately, common sense to women isn't EVER the same for men.
Now the men on these podcasts aren't the only ones to blame; it's their fathers. The old men who catcall children and brush it off with "It's a compliment.” Those men are at the tippy-top of the tower. They taught their sons how they treat women, and their sons continue the cycle. It's truly sad that they can't fathom women being anything other than objects for men. Does that mean they get an excuse? Absolutely not. Not abusing your wife/girlfriend should be common sense, shouldn't it? Not making fun of her insecurities is something that you should just know not to do, right? Unfortunately, common sense to women isn't EVER the same for men.
All I hope is that these women find a partner who appreciates them. At the end of the day, they're in toxic, abusive relationships and need support from anyone other than their male counterparts. I hope that by the time I'm older, these trends will not only stop completely but be forgotten forever.