Surely, I’m an amalgamation of all my favorite classes. My tenacity was surely formed under the stress of studying for three of Mrs. Clark’s classes. My tolerance was tested thoroughly under the guidance of Mr. Hazzard. And of course, my love for writing was led to a steady incline under the keen eye of Mr. Ejzak.
Surely, I am.
And yet, my ability to bounce back after failure was developed after Mrs. Sandhu’s harsh grading, even as I mourned my 4.0 GPA. My courage reached new heights after being thrown into the deep end of the pool by Mr. Morgan, even as flashbacks of almost drowning played through my mind.
I’d say, the most important things I got out of high school were not the explicit lessons, but the implicit ones. Lessons like advocating for yourself and knowing your habits. Lessons like understanding what a friend is and discerning the reason or the season they occupied your life for. Lessons like maintaining your hobbies and not letting school slash and burn your soul until the once lush jungle is nothing more than a cash crop field.
Yes, I’m glad that high school is over. Yes, I know that all classes don’t have an inherent relevance to our lives in the future.
But just like we have a responsibility to do things we don’t want to do right now, we’ll have that same responsibility in the future. Maybe, high school exists not only to teach you the basics of the world around you, but also to teach you the basics of common sense. Maybe, high school exists to teach you the basics of yourself.
Surely, I’m an amalgamation of every class I took in high school, and every person I’ve met, and every experience I’ve had.
Surely, we all are.
Surely, we’ll continue to be.