Because I am so accustomed to teaching my freshmen students to use powerful hooks to capture the attention of their readers in structured, and some dare say “tedious” CEW essays, I too will use a shocking statement for its dramatic effect: According to the Mental Health Association of America, “16 percent of US teens (ages 12 to 17)—more than 4 million adolescents—had at least one major depressive episode in 2022.”
This number IS horrific - concerning, stopping one in his tracks, depressing even. But beyond the shock, it hurts so much when teachers read about these issues in creative poems or personal narratives, overhear conversations with their peers, read sad bathroom messages written in the grout of bathroom walls in stalls on the 2nd floor, FEEL IT when walking through the hallways where students just seem so down. Everyone seems so sad. Defeated. And it hurts me to the core.
Especially this is painful for me to see as I am depression’s alter ego - HAPPY GIRL. Like all the time. Ridiculously and relentlessly-optimistic. Bursting at the seams with energy and passion for life. Some are baffled by it; others are annoyed by it. “Don’t you ever have a bad day, Mrs. Rago?” “How are you always so full of energy?” others ask.
Well, guilty as charged. My goal in writing this is one of full transparency. I hope to share with you all of my beloved Brooks community one easy, peasy secret to happiness and success in life. But, heads up, 7-up, it’s going to require a labor of love if you desire this prescription. It’s going to require work. Energy. Participation. And putting down your phones, social media and, yes, especially, Tik Tok.
Like I was trained to do in A.P. English classes years ago, I will present my argument to you as a model student would - using Aristotle’s appeals.
Especially this is painful for me to see as I am depression’s alter ego - HAPPY GIRL. Like all the time. Ridiculously and relentlessly-optimistic. Bursting at the seams with energy and passion for life. Some are baffled by it; others are annoyed by it. “Don’t you ever have a bad day, Mrs. Rago?” “How are you always so full of energy?” others ask.
Well, guilty as charged. My goal in writing this is one of full transparency. I hope to share with you all of my beloved Brooks community one easy, peasy secret to happiness and success in life. But, heads up, 7-up, it’s going to require a labor of love if you desire this prescription. It’s going to require work. Energy. Participation. And putting down your phones, social media and, yes, especially, Tik Tok.
Like I was trained to do in A.P. English classes years ago, I will present my argument to you as a model student would - using Aristotle’s appeals.
Beginning with ETHOS, I know what I am talking about as I am “old school.” Like a Janet Jackson song or something…Many would argue I am not ‘old school,’ but just “old.” Call it what you will…I will be 50-years-old in November, and I am happy to say that I still feel 18! Yep, even my knees right now. I know glasses will be required soon with failing, flailing vision and arthritis meds a soon-to-be necessity, but for right now, I feel great. I am old enough to recall the days when students had NO phones to distract them from conversations with others…no escaping even mundane interactions with others as you put up your hoodie and rev up the volume in your headphones ...people just talked to each other. And it was magical…I believe such social interactions with others make us happy as we can laugh with others to connect and cry to commiserate. A hug with another human literally releases oxytocin, the feel-good chemical in life. I wish we would all seek out MORE face to face interactions with others and monitor the effects.
Moving gracefully onto PATHOS, I can share with you a fact: my mother was robbed of time on this earth as she died of a heart attack at age 64- years-old. My goal is to hit 100-years, and please, put me on T.V. Give me my cake. Red Velvet. I’m in life for the long haul. Thus, one of my secrets involves exercise. Movement. Every. Single. Day! Do your cardio, join free Planet Fitness gyms, walk your dog, hit up some weight-bearing exercises on YouTube, dance harder like no one is watching, dress in uniform and participate in those P.E. classes. The word “work” is in workouts! Please reap the rewards of your body’s best drugs - natural, free, serotonin. Dance! Tear up the dance floor in a Zumba or basketball seminar. But please, get up! Move!
Lastly, LOGOS, often the loftiest of the appeals of rhetoric, depending on who you ask. I recently heard CPS is returning to the P.E. graduation requirement of 4 years. The world-renowned Mayo Clinic states: Exercise can provide stress relief for your body while imitating effects of stress, such as the flight or fight response, and helping your body and its systems practice working together through those effects.
Moving gracefully onto PATHOS, I can share with you a fact: my mother was robbed of time on this earth as she died of a heart attack at age 64- years-old. My goal is to hit 100-years, and please, put me on T.V. Give me my cake. Red Velvet. I’m in life for the long haul. Thus, one of my secrets involves exercise. Movement. Every. Single. Day! Do your cardio, join free Planet Fitness gyms, walk your dog, hit up some weight-bearing exercises on YouTube, dance harder like no one is watching, dress in uniform and participate in those P.E. classes. The word “work” is in workouts! Please reap the rewards of your body’s best drugs - natural, free, serotonin. Dance! Tear up the dance floor in a Zumba or basketball seminar. But please, get up! Move!
Lastly, LOGOS, often the loftiest of the appeals of rhetoric, depending on who you ask. I recently heard CPS is returning to the P.E. graduation requirement of 4 years. The world-renowned Mayo Clinic states: Exercise can provide stress relief for your body while imitating effects of stress, such as the flight or fight response, and helping your body and its systems practice working together through those effects.
So there you have it! With 7 A.P. and Dual Credit classes as the “norm” for our upperclass students, what better way is there besides exercise to manage stress? Grab those free endorphins while you can and benefit from the positive effects with improved physique and body strength. As an added bonus, imagine the social benefits as you workout with someone, a fellow classmate, doing something constructive rather than destructive.
So there! Why am I sooooo happy all the time? Because my body graced me with the ability to move today; why would I not move as a token of appreciation for this gift of life?
Please. I beg you all…figure out what exercise you like, and do it. It’s literally that easy. If you need motivation or suggestions, please come talk to me! I’d be more than happy to share in this journey towards happiness and stress management with everyone in my beloved Brooks community.
In peace, love, happiness, and sweat,
Shyla Rago
P.S. I apologize if this essay title triggers that Madagascar song in your head all day long :)
So there! Why am I sooooo happy all the time? Because my body graced me with the ability to move today; why would I not move as a token of appreciation for this gift of life?
Please. I beg you all…figure out what exercise you like, and do it. It’s literally that easy. If you need motivation or suggestions, please come talk to me! I’d be more than happy to share in this journey towards happiness and stress management with everyone in my beloved Brooks community.
In peace, love, happiness, and sweat,
Shyla Rago
P.S. I apologize if this essay title triggers that Madagascar song in your head all day long :)