We at the BALM want to honor the significance of Hispanic Heritage Month! For those of you who may not know, Hispanic Heritage Month is another chance to honor and celebrate Hispanic culture and history, more closely, from September 15th to October 15th! During this time, people should admire the impacts of Hispanic culture, and we ask you to join us by taking a look at our Hispanic Heritage Month page which includes Hispanic authors, artists, and helpful resources! ¡Espero que disfrutes!
karla lopez & Maria cabrera
It is a well known fact that many Latin American countries are big tourist spots; but did anyone ever think of how it all came to be? Find out by reading Karla's or Maria's article on the history of Hispanic Heritage Month!
Hispanic Author Spotlight
kaylin ivy - Graduated member
Hispanic culture is so rich and diverse and that it is greatly represented through the writing of Hispanic and Latinx authors. With such a wide variety of traditions and experiences within the Hispanic community, there is no shortage of stories to tell. Over the past month, many people have celebrated Hispanic heritage and art, here are a few writers and books that stood out to me.
hispanic artists spotlight
ISATOU SEY & ELISA LOPEZ - Graduated members
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Balm wanted to highlight different artists within the Hispanic community! There are countless creators that display an enormous amount of talent and deserve their moment in the spotlight. From the gates of Brooks to the countless Hispanic communities across the globe. Here's are a few artists you should definitely check out...