I crave
I crave with every drop of blood flowing through my veins
My mind does not sleep
My conscience whispers in my ear
How can I ever fill the wants of a miserable woman into one life
How can I ever pick one simple life
I thirst like a withering flower
To drown like a rock
Cry like a widow
Rule like a God
Serve like a peasant
How can I ever fit all the lives I long to live in one that has an expiration date
My body will rot
My eyes will close
My heart will stop
I turn to ash
And return to the soil from whence I emerged
And yet my soul will not stop wanting
Will not stop wandering
I lie awake at night
Dreaming of my alternate realities
One night I am on top of the world
Sitting on a throne of gold and blood, with glass ripping my skin open
The next, I am the lowest scum on Earth
Crawling through mud and begging for mercy.
I would crack my ribs open to keep my heart beating
To hold the simple thing that lets me live
To live for an eternity
and yet time would not suffice
Time would not prove itself to be enough
How to satiate this thirst I know not
I drink and drink and yet I see no end to this overflowing cup
My appetite, never fulfilled.
How to stop the hunger of a starved dog is never revealed to man
An eternity it would cost me to be all I yearn for
An hour it takes to end all I have worked for
A minute it takes for courses to change
A second it takes for lives to end
Choices never taken
Love never expressed
Words never said
Lives never lived.
I crave with every drop of blood flowing through my veins
My mind does not sleep
My conscience whispers in my ear
How can I ever fill the wants of a miserable woman into one life
How can I ever pick one simple life
I thirst like a withering flower
To drown like a rock
Cry like a widow
Rule like a God
Serve like a peasant
How can I ever fit all the lives I long to live in one that has an expiration date
My body will rot
My eyes will close
My heart will stop
I turn to ash
And return to the soil from whence I emerged
And yet my soul will not stop wanting
Will not stop wandering
I lie awake at night
Dreaming of my alternate realities
One night I am on top of the world
Sitting on a throne of gold and blood, with glass ripping my skin open
The next, I am the lowest scum on Earth
Crawling through mud and begging for mercy.
I would crack my ribs open to keep my heart beating
To hold the simple thing that lets me live
To live for an eternity
and yet time would not suffice
Time would not prove itself to be enough
How to satiate this thirst I know not
I drink and drink and yet I see no end to this overflowing cup
My appetite, never fulfilled.
How to stop the hunger of a starved dog is never revealed to man
An eternity it would cost me to be all I yearn for
An hour it takes to end all I have worked for
A minute it takes for courses to change
A second it takes for lives to end
Choices never taken
Love never expressed
Words never said
Lives never lived.