Cut up apple &
Cut up pomegranate
Grind but not crush
Mix but not stir
Spill sticky-sweet juice
down the chin and get stuck somewhere you detest
For half the year
Abandon origin, abandon flowers, abandon surface
But learn to love not loathe the other place
Round out the jagged edges and leave your
bite, make the sour sweet and turn green red
Fall into the rhythm of whispering life and change
Digging nails into dirt and coaxing Gaia to let go of her children
Abandon nymphs, abandon honey, abandon origin
But don’t forget from whence you came
Adorn yourself with the spoils of passing
Crown born of the pieces reflecting the you you’ve become
Accept his gift and accept your fate, and indulge in apple-pomegranate.
Cut up pomegranate
Grind but not crush
Mix but not stir
Spill sticky-sweet juice
down the chin and get stuck somewhere you detest
For half the year
Abandon origin, abandon flowers, abandon surface
But learn to love not loathe the other place
Round out the jagged edges and leave your
bite, make the sour sweet and turn green red
Fall into the rhythm of whispering life and change
Digging nails into dirt and coaxing Gaia to let go of her children
Abandon nymphs, abandon honey, abandon origin
But don’t forget from whence you came
Adorn yourself with the spoils of passing
Crown born of the pieces reflecting the you you’ve become
Accept his gift and accept your fate, and indulge in apple-pomegranate.