You were born crying
Screaming and taken away
While a tired giver takes a breath
and there it begins,
From day one greatness was expected,
Greatness was achieved
Through the years and the tears
and the missed events
and the nights in
Wasting away your youth for a certificate
Your life has no meaning,
It is worthless
You live and die for them
You're their golden ticket,
Out of the drug-plagued alleys to the golden shiny city
They only had children for this
To work on the farm and prosper
To smile for the picture and bring pride
I'm so proud of you
Now pick, there's a great array
A doctor, sell your life for the greater good. the greater paycheck
A lawyer, bail me out of jail
An architect, build me a house on the lies I fed you every day at dinnertime
All around the table
Ashes, Ashes
Venomous soup,
Good for your bones
Big and strong, your father was
working himself to the bone for you
So you must pay him back
Go to the podium win the award
Travel away, but never too far
We need you back home
Now come, child, stay
Let me clip your wings and sway to my song
fall in deep slumber
close your eyes to my lies
To the movies, we'll go, with your money of course
Money you made, no thanks to me
But aren't you glad that I crushed all your dreams
I took those silly ideas out of your head
filled them with mine, dreams I never achieved
I'll live them through you
Call me Gepetto, my little puppet
Dance to my tune
Away you'll take me
For that, you were born
Born crying of me
and crying you'll die
For those dreams you chased were never yours only mine
and write, write away
in shame and in dark
Where your wishes will wilt
And tears never dry
Your crying will cease
when you die.
Screaming and taken away
While a tired giver takes a breath
and there it begins,
From day one greatness was expected,
Greatness was achieved
Through the years and the tears
and the missed events
and the nights in
Wasting away your youth for a certificate
Your life has no meaning,
It is worthless
You live and die for them
You're their golden ticket,
Out of the drug-plagued alleys to the golden shiny city
They only had children for this
To work on the farm and prosper
To smile for the picture and bring pride
I'm so proud of you
Now pick, there's a great array
A doctor, sell your life for the greater good. the greater paycheck
A lawyer, bail me out of jail
An architect, build me a house on the lies I fed you every day at dinnertime
All around the table
Ashes, Ashes
Venomous soup,
Good for your bones
Big and strong, your father was
working himself to the bone for you
So you must pay him back
Go to the podium win the award
Travel away, but never too far
We need you back home
Now come, child, stay
Let me clip your wings and sway to my song
fall in deep slumber
close your eyes to my lies
To the movies, we'll go, with your money of course
Money you made, no thanks to me
But aren't you glad that I crushed all your dreams
I took those silly ideas out of your head
filled them with mine, dreams I never achieved
I'll live them through you
Call me Gepetto, my little puppet
Dance to my tune
Away you'll take me
For that, you were born
Born crying of me
and crying you'll die
For those dreams you chased were never yours only mine
and write, write away
in shame and in dark
Where your wishes will wilt
And tears never dry
Your crying will cease
when you die.